Have a direct seat in the cinema's conversation with this roundup of film reviews that stimulates debate on influence on society, cultural value in the changing face of the movie industry, creating a forum for meaningful (click now to visit the article) conversations and research.Film AnalysisHellraiser 2022Rocky Balboa Movie ReviewRambo IIIRambo I
Jurassic World Dominion, but let's keep it #short.
I'm working on my next review, but I really don't want to action movies go another long span of time (blog post) without any uploads whatsoever. So, with ...Source: Jurassic World Dominion, but let's keep it #short. - Decker Shado More Videos
I Spit on Your Grave Movie Review
A movie with the distinct "honor" of being banned from many, many countries. A video nasty, a film who's reputation as truly horrifying shocksploitation proceeds it so much you might not realize just what you're getting into. That's what happens when things are banned left and right for far less. Heed the warning in the opening well.Source: I Spi
Death Race 2 Movie Review
The reboot of Death Race did so good, where do you go from there? Well if you like money you make a sequel! Except Jensen Ames (blog post) is free and Jason Statham is expensive.. so you make a prequel, without said character! Just science fiction movie reviews get another grizzled bald guy, no one'll tell the difference.Source: Death Race 2 Movi
Godzilla vs Mothra Movie Review
After Mothra VS Godzilla, we look at Godzilla VS Mothra. No, that's not the same thing! This is a totally different movie from the (blog post) Heisei era of kaiju. As such, you action movies have that interesting mix of 80s effects and puppets, plus 90s proto CGI and.... environmentalism. Oh... great.Source: Godzilla vs Mothra Movie Review - Deck